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About the Wilcox Business Experience

Updated: Sep 18, 2021

The door to unique opportunities awaits you!

We used to be called DECA, named after the biggest competition in which we participate, but decided in 2019-20 to rename ourselves WBE (Wilcox Business Experience) because we offer so much more than just DECA competitions.

We compete in various business, finance, and entrepreneurial competitions throughout the school year. Awards for winning can include money, medals, and more. Not only do we compete, but we also engage in social activities that contribute to our local community. We understand that business, finance, and entrepreneurship benefit from a thriving community, so we seek to support and learn from our communities.

More than just Business

Are you not interested in business? Whether you prefer engineering, art, or community service - there is something for everyone.

The Wilcox Business Experience is far larger than just a club about business. Our club aims to reach a broader scope of people by creating an impact in our community. From the IBM Challenge and Future Problem Solving Challenge, competitions for STEM related abilities

Create Relevant Content

You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow readers to explore more of what interests them. Each category of your blog has its own page that’s fully customizable. Add a catchy title, a brief description and a beautiful image to the category page header to truly make it your own. You can also add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people, and help readers search for relevant content. Using hashtags can expand your post reach and help people find the content that matters to them. Go ahead, #hashtag away.

Stun Your Readers

Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.

Blogging gives your site a voice, so let your business’ personality shine through. Are you a creative agency? Go wild with original blog posts about recent projects, cool inspirational ideas, or what your company culture is like. Add images, and videos to really spice it up, and pepper it with slang to keep readers interested. Are you a programmer? Stay on the more technical side by offering weekly tips, tricks, and hacks that show off your knowledge of the industry. No matter what type of business you have, one thing is for sure - blogging gives your business the opportunity to be heard in a way in a different and unconventional way.

Get Inspired

To keep up with all things Wix, including website building tips and interesting articles, head over to the Wix Blog. You may even find yourself inspired to start crafting your own blog, adding unique content, and stunning images and videos. Start creating your own blog now. Good luck!



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